Sunday, November 28, 2010

CBS 60 Minutes Sunday

No, I'm not writing about the fabled T-V newsmagazine show, to-day I'm talking about how you can create your own news.

This is another work assignment for you.


60 Minutes: The time you spend each week on this assignment.

Sunday: The day of the week you do this on. Now, your "Sunday" may be on Wednesday, or another day in the week that you're not otherwise working.

What you'll need:

* Pen
* Spiral notebook
* A timer or clock to time yourself
* An hour minimum to devote to this

Now, I want you to challenge your BS...Belief Systems! that are not serving you. So write out in full detail any disempowering belief you might have, then substitute one for one that better serves you. Write out exactly what you want your life to look like when it is ideal. Note I said when  not if, because we're in the business here of literally changing your Reality. And you don't have to write for the entire 60 minutes, you can take short breaks, but try to keep them very short, no more than five minutes, because I want you here to focus and attain clarity about what it is you're really wanting to achieve in Life.

Now, you might say, "Tim, you're having us do all this writing and thinking and it's too hard." You think this is hard? Try failure.

The purpose is to ultimately for you to take the next steps, which I'll outline in my next post. For now, do this for at least 12 weeks and see what happens. What else are you going to do for an hour, anyway? Watch someone else make the news?  Go out and make some of your own.

To Your Greatest Life,

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