Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Time To Challenge Your BS?

Belief Systems. We all have them. The ones I'm going to focus on here are the ones that may be holding you back.

A young man of 25 is told of a Gypsy Fortune Teller who is uncannily accurate in her palm readings, so he goes to see her.

She reads his palm and tells him, "I see you in a dead-end, low-paying, career you will be dissatisfied with until you are 45."

Naturally, he is disappointed in hearing this, so he pays her and gets up to leave, but just before he does so he asks her, "What happens when I turn 45?"

"You'll get used to it."

So vigorously ask yourself, "Are my beliefs true?" Now, we have all kinds of beliefs, and some serve us well. Like the ones that protect life. If we're crossing the street and if we have the belief that being hit by a car is A Very Bad Thing that kind of belief serves us.

Someone may have the belief that people should pay him a premium wage for mediocre work, rationalizing it embracing the attitude that he is entitled to rewards without extending effort. Of course, he can't be bothered by people who might suggest he do more than he's paid for. Perish the thought!

Or a group of people go into business with the sincere belief that their product or service fulfills a real need, but do not do research into their market, write a business plan or put in the long hours needed to make the business a success.

The most spectacular collapse of a belief system that endured for nearly 70 years was that of the Soviet Union. Many people sincerely believed in Communism...but they were sincerely wrong! 

Now, I encourage you to-day to examine your own beliefs. If you're just doing OK, just getting by, ask yourself, "Can I do more? Is there more?"

Remember, it is not just the attainment of the Goal itself that matters--the new car, a relationship, career advancement--it's the person you become while working toward the Goal that matters.

Next time, I'll begin a 7-part series on Human Nature.

To your greater success,

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