Monday, December 27, 2010

At The Lazy U Ranch

So let's end 2010 with a bang, beginning with this series.

Laziness. Negative aspects: It has been too long since I posted last. I procrastinated, kept putting it off, until finally the pain of inaction was too great. Like the dog in the story, I got up off the nail. And it's also part of my comfort zone. I could, if I wanted to, just do the same I've been doing in years past, just working enough to sustain myself, and spend my leisure hours doing fun things.

Well, if I want to achieve all the things I want to in 2011 and beyond, I have to break free of my lazy nature and spend my time more effectively. That means planning my days carefully and making every moment count--which means no more playing Windows Solitaire! 

Now like I've said before, these traits I'll be discussing are neutral, meaning both positive and negative. The negative of course is just settling for a mediocre life, just getting by. And that's not for me,

Positive aspect of laziness: Everyone wants an easier way of doing things. For example, I rely on my spell-check feature on my software. I don't have to have a dictionary beside me, the program will tell me when I misspell a word. Also we like food that is easy to prepare, freeing up time doing a recipe from scratch (unless you enjoy preparing meals this way) to do other things. So wanting things easy is natural.

In Goal Setting however, it is both easy and hard to do. For me writing down my Goals every day is easy, but if I don't set aside the time to do this, then Life is difficult and hard.

So don't deny your lazy self, acknowledge it then get off your ass and DO SOMETHING.

ACTION STEP: On your to-do list, do the hardest and most difficult task FIRST. Then the other items will be easy to do.

I include to-day part 1 of an early Brian Tracy video, shot probably in the 1980s. Enjoy.

To Your Greater Success,

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