Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012: Choose Freedom


No, this is not going to be a political post. Recently, I shared my history in the radical revolutionary left. I've changed quite a bit since then. So last week I filled out my absentee ballot and mailed it in. I made my choices, now it's done.

So now I'm not going to watch Election Night coverage on T-V or YouTube. I'm not saying you shouldn't be an intelligent, engaged citizen that makes informed choices about the direction the country needs to go in. I'm just not going to watch all those politicians, pundits and news anchors weigh in with their "analysis". I had to ask myself, "will watching Election Night returns really enhance the quality of my Life and help me become more informed?"

The answer: NO.

So choose freedom over negativity. Free yourself from the media chatter and make your Life a masterpiece.

I'm going to spend the evening doing my evening prayers and joining in on a group coaching call to learn ways I can become a more effective person. I do NOT need to flood my mind with commentary that really is useless.

Tomorrow morning will come and Life will go on. Work has to be done and decisions need to be made. Make them the Best.

Always take The Red Pill

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Stand For Something Big

The following has been adapted from Episode 035 of The Goal Wizard Show for publication here.

When I was younger, I rebelled against my upbringing, religion and society. Unlike some of my peers, I didn't get into drugs or alcohol (though I did get into alcohol abuse later on.), I choose instead to become a Marxist-Leninist Communist. I thought that was a Great Cause, the emancipation of the oppressed caught in wage slavery. However, the party I choose to involve myself with, the U.S. Socialist Workers Party which by the time I formally joined in May of 1981 was a thoroughly reformist party. I only became involved with the SWP because it was a love-at-first-sight infatuation after I read a few issues of The Militant, the Party's weekly newspaper. Had I been exposed first to the Spartacist League or even the Revolutionary Communist Party I would've probably joined them instead. But, be that as it may, I found far-left political activism to be a dead-end street.

The second phase of my rebellion after I left the SWP and had a very brief membership in the Socialist Labor Party. I had made friends with a colorful individual who had far-out ideas that intrigued me. A few months after I met him, he joined the Nichiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai of America (NSA). He wanted to shakabuku (convert) me, but at first I thought chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to a piece of paper (the Gohonzon) I couldn't read was silly. However, in 1984 I had limited prospects (I was working a horrible job-with great people in a plant nursery) and few friends so I gave it a try. 

I first started chanting while I was driving tractor around the nursery. When I did so, much synchronous events unfolded before me. By May of 1984 I was convinced, and on Memorial Day week-end I received Gojukai (formal acceptance of Nichiren Shoshu religion) and my first Nichiren Shoshu Gohonzon.

However, I soon found myself, as a member of the Young Men's Division (I was 25), required to be caught up in activities at least 5 days a week, endless meetings, "training" activities, study of Nichiren Daishonin and Daisaku Ikeda writings. I was upset, however, that most of the membership was not permitted to go to the Temple (I received Gojukai and Gohonzon @ Nichiren Shoshu Myoshin-ji Temple) Many of us had to make do with meetings at the community centers and homes of senior leaders. (Though the Joju Gohonzon at the Sacramento community center was a very powerful object of worship).

During the late 1980s, though, my alcohol addiction was getting worse and worse, finally leading me to homelessness and despair in 1988. I stopped drinking (both for physical and financial reasons-too poor to afford booze) and joined Alcoholics Anonymous-though later on I discovered that AA was a very malignant cult. I went into the first of 6 rehabs and I cut back on Gakkai activities.

Through a series of misadventures I won't relate right now, I became homeless again, discovered the WWW and material about the Soka Gakkai that opened my eyes. It turned out that in 1991-92 the Gakkai split away from Nichiren Shoshu and went their own way. I had stayed with the Gakkai for 5 years, at one point having exchanged my original Nichiren Shoshu Gohonzon for a copy the Gakkai had started to manufacture. Well, as soon as I started chanting to it, my misfortunes multiplied. I finally left the Gakkai for good on October 6, 1996 and re-joined Nichiren Shoshu on December 12, 1996.

I finally began my personal awakening a few years after I went on Tozan (formal pilgrimage to Head Temple Taiseki-ji in Japan). Clarity began to emerge, and I have become stronger and stronger in my own recovery. I've finally quit booze for good and I have now meaningful work and peace of mind.

So do what you can to-day to live above mediocrity.

Always take The Red Pill

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Talk Less, Listen More

The following is based on episode 034 of The Goal Wizard Show. It has been adapted for publication here.

Use the WAIT formula

Why Am I Talking? Probe for your motives behind a conversation. This is a powerful question to ask yourself. Do you want to engage in real dialog with another individual? Are you listening to what is being said (or unsaid?)? Or do you just want to talk about yourself?

And don't be afraid of this simple answer - "I don't know. Let me find out more about it' when...you don't know! Avoid being stubborn and dogmatic - nobody likes to be around a "know-it-all".

Know what to listen to

We are constantly being bombarded with messages from the mass media, politicians, religions, our parents and relatives, schoolteachers, bureaucrats...learn to filter out the noise. Be selective in what you choose to expose yourself to. I don't watch commercial or cable television, I don't watch local news, I don't read the local daily newspaper, I don't listen to the radio; I'm very selective in what I do decide to watch, listen to or read.

When in conversation, notice the body language, tone of voice and patterns of behavior if you have a history/relationship with this individual.

Question more

That's the slogan of one of my favorite news channels RT. Ask questions, but don't come across like an interrogator. Show you're really listening, not just hearing the words. Be present with the individual, don't be there just bodily, be there bodily, mentally and emotionally.

Have a Great Week!

Always take the Red Pill

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pursue Passion, Not Money

The following is adapted from Episode 033 of The Goal Wizard Show for publication here.

Definition of "passion" from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition:

"intense or overwhelming feeling or conviction; a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object or concept; an object of desire or deep interest"

I am very fortunate now that I have meaningful work in life, but it wasn't always that way. I, like a lot of other people, had to settle for jobs that were miserable and soul-deadening. It took many years to wake myself up, and I've done it. 

To be trapped in a horrible job or line of work is a waste of time and life. Waiting for that day when you reach retirement age, or when you win the Lotto or the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, or when your rich Aunt Agatha (if you have one) passes away and you inherit her fortune...do you really want to do that?

I have no easy answers if you're stuck on the hamster wheel of life. I thought 10 years ago that I wouldn't be able to work again, that I would receive a benefit check from the government and have to be on psychiatric medications the rest of my life, and I would live in a halfway house for the rest of my life. That's how low things got for me.

But I turned things around, utilizing the power of my faith in Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) and Law of Attraction I was able to not only get a job, but also move out on my own(I was told repeatedly by those who said they had my "best interests" in mind that I couldn't do it) and now I have this blog, a Internet Radio Show and a small presence on Twitter.

Today I do what I love to do, and make a comfortable living. I am completely satisfied and I want more but I do not approach it from a feeling of need. When I focus on what feels good and detach my ego from needing achievement and results, I get what I desire. Funny how that works, huh? Earning money is good, and when I focus on enjoying the journey and being clear on the direction I want to go Life flows a lot smoother. Yes, there are going to be rough spots but I always keep the 80/20 Rule  in mind. 

So do what you must and LIVE!

Always Take The Red Pill

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Be More Curious

The following has been adapted from The Goal Wizard Show episode 031

There are two types of curious.

There's the type of curious that is nosy, that wants to know what their neighbors are doing, or at the office a co-worker asks questions that border on intrusive, wanting to know other people's business when it's not your place to know these things.

Then there's the type that's exciting attention as strange, novel or unexpected, i.e., a child wonders how something mechanical works so he takes it apart and puts it back together again. And there's curiosity that looking at nature inspires, i.e. wondering about where clouds come from, what causes thunder and lightning. And then there's the curiosity that wonders why do people do what they do.

Be curious about your career. "What do I need to learn, what skills will I need to develop to face the challenges (and they will come) in the weeks and months ahead so I can get better and stay better in my work?"

Again, always be curious, but not nosy about people and what motivates them. For example, I'm curious as to why people buy and read celebrity gossip magazines. The antics of the Kardashians have absolutely no impact on my life, so why should I (or anyone else) care about them or who's getting married, who's getting divorced, who's pregnant, etc., etc. 

As for ongoing curiosity, learn more outside the classroom. Read at least two hours a day of books or magazines that are full of helpful ideas that will enhance the Quality of your Life. Leave the mental candy to those who are happy to remain where they are. Distractions are not for you.

So never stop wondering!

Always take The Red Pill ()

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Race Toward Your Fears Instead of Running From Them

The following is adapted from Episode 036 of The Goal Wizard Show

Where do fears come from?

It is said we are born with only two fears, the fear of falling and of loud noises. Somehow along the way in my own life, I conditioned myself to have a lot more fears, particularly of people disapproving of me and of making mistakes so I never took chances. I also had the fear of looking good-I didn't want people to make fun of me so I deliberately dressed and groomed myself poorly-and people made fun of me anyway.

Later on, after High School and some Community College, I settled for having laboring jobs, as I believed I wasn't capable of anything else. I was also conditioned to believe that drinking large quantities of alcohol was the way to handle Life's stressors.

So to-day, a little bit at a time, I race toward my fears. I now have this blog and my radio show and my fears are diminishing over time. But I don't take reckless or foolish risks, and neither should you. Will I succeed every time? No, and I embrace possible failure as a learning experience so I can do better next time.

So live your own truth to-day, not somebody else's. Learn from my example and save yourself years of hard work and heartache. Face your fears and grow stronger for having done so.

Always take the Red Pill ()

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Commit To Lifelong Learning

The following is from The Goal Wizard Show Episode 028. It has been adapted for publication HERE.

Definition from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition:

"Learning: Knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study."

Education in the classroom isn't enough

We are living in a fast-paced world with knowledge accelerating to the point where obsolescence becomes faster and faster. What was valid, say, in technology 18 months ago, is obsolete now. Now college education does help, but isn't necessarily necessary. Famous example, of course, is Bill Gates who dropped out of Harvard to eventually found MicroSoft.

I strongly recommend that you read at least 2 hours a day in your chosen field. If you can do more, great, but at least 2 hours.

Build a library, use a library

My own library is the first thing people notice when they enter my apartment. Most other homes have a large television that commands attention, but I have books. Books I have acquired from The Thrift Store. What I don't have in terms of books that have been recently published, I turn to the Public Library. If you don't have one, at the very least, get a Library Card. Most libraries it is free, others you pay a very nominal fee of one or two dollars.

Audio and video programs

I have a collection of DVDs, CDs and MP3s on personal development. Instead of music on my MP3 player, I have dozens of audio programs I listen to as I walk to work. If you have a car, listen to personal development/success programs instead of music. If someone is riding with you, turn off the CD player/radio entirely and focus instead on having a conversation with the people in your car.


Learn not only from books and other media, but from personal life experience. Learn from your family, friends, co-workers. They have much to teach you, if you're willing. That ancient Chinese maxim applies: "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."

So make the World your Classroom.

Always take the Red Pill ()

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Be Interested Instead of Interesting

(This Post is based on The Goal Wizard Show Episode 029 originally broadcast on June 12, 2012. It has been slightly modified for publication HERE.)

There is nothing new in this concept. 75 years ago in 1937 Dale Carnegie presented it in his classic book How to Win Friends and Influence People. And it still holds true to-day.

Engage others. In conversations, pay attention to what is being said, both in the words being used and in body language as well. Be there in the present moment. Try not to "tune out" the other person, i.e. rehearsing in your mind what you're going to say next. Ask questions to connect, not interrogate. And don't play "me too." People love to talk about their favourite subject...themselves! Push your ego aside if you can.

That is not to say do not endeavour to stand out from the crowd if you're in business for yourself; then you want to be interesting, and always remember that it is SERVICE that matters most. Zig Ziglar said it best when he said "You can get what you want if you help enough people get what they want."

So get out there and make it happen.

Listen to The Goal Wizard Show
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Contact me: thegoalwizard@gmail.com

Always take The Red Pill ()

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tell It Like It Is

(This is based on The Goal Wizard Show Episode 027 braodcast on June 5, 2012. It has been adapted for publication HERE)

Tell it Like It Is

Dictionary definition from Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 11th Edition:

Tell: "To relate in detail; to give utterance to; to express in words; to give information to"

Tell it Like It Is to yourself

Don't kid yourself and just tell yourself what you want to hear and don't believe everything you think. Your mind will do a number on your if you're not careful. Always use the Reality Principle: "What's the Reality here?" Be gentle to yourself, though. Talk to yourself as you would to others. Be your own best friend. Above all, be honest.

Tell it Like it Is to others

Be honest, but not blunt, unless it's called for. An example from my workplace: A group of us were talking to a couple of smokers about quitting. I said I do not want to see them carting an oxygen tank ten years from now if they continue smoking. They were taken aback, but I planted the seed. Whether or not they accept what I say or not is up to them. Here's a great concept from Brendon Buchard's latest book The  Charge: You can console someone and make them feel better or coach them so they can be better. And know above all what it is. Base it on reality, not your personal opinion.

Listen to The Goal Wizard Show every Tuesday & Saturday @ 5:00 p.m. Pacific, 8:00 p.m. Eastern

Always take the Red Pill

31 Tips to Reach Your Next Level Of Greatness (LINK)

Here is the link to Josh Linkner's blog post that I am doing as a series on The Goal Wizard show:

31 Tips to Reach Your Next Level of Greatness


Always Take The Red Pill

Monday, May 28, 2012

My Buddhist Birthday

I know I said in my last broadcast on Blog Talk Radio The Goal Wizard Show Episode 024 I would be writing about my last health crisis, but I've decided instead to write about a Significant Event that happened on this day in 1984.

I took vows as a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist and received my first Gohonzon. At the time, the lay organization was Nichiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai of America, otherwise known as NSA. 

I first started chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo at work. At the time, I was working at a plant nursery, so as I drove tractor around I would chant. Now, when I was first introduced to The Practice, I thought it was silly, chanting to a piece of paper with words I couldn't read. But I was told give it a try so I did. Then mystical experiences happened I couldn't rationally explain. Doors opened for me and people appeared at the right time. So I was convinced, sign me up!

So I received what is called Gojukai at Myoshin-ji Temple in Pinole, CA on Memorial Day weekend. It was on Memorial Day itself, a Monday.

I wish I could say that I've practiced every day since then but I can't. There have been ups and downs, periods of turmoil, homelessness, times where I failed as a Buddhist and generated boatloads of negative Karma. And I'm in a better space to-day and I know my best days are ahead of me.

O, and for my show to-morrow, I'm going to review the 2006 video "The Secret" and discuss the impact Law of Attraction and chanting and believing in the power of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and the Gohonzon has had on my life. Tune in.

Anyway, enjoy your day!
