The following has been adapted from The Goal Wizard Show episode 031
There are two types of curious.
There's the type of curious that is nosy, that wants to know what their neighbors are doing, or at the office a co-worker asks questions that border on intrusive, wanting to know other people's business when it's not your place to know these things.
Then there's the type that's exciting attention as strange, novel or unexpected, i.e., a child wonders how something mechanical works so he takes it apart and puts it back together again. And there's curiosity that looking at nature inspires, i.e. wondering about where clouds come from, what causes thunder and lightning. And then there's the curiosity that wonders why do people do what they do.
Be curious about your career. "What do I need to learn, what skills will I need to develop to face the challenges (and they will come) in the weeks and months ahead so I can get better and stay better in my work?"
Again, always be curious, but not nosy about people and what motivates them. For example, I'm curious as to why people buy and read celebrity gossip magazines. The antics of the Kardashians have absolutely no impact on my life, so why should I (or anyone else) care about them or who's getting married, who's getting divorced, who's pregnant, etc., etc.
As for ongoing curiosity, learn more outside the classroom. Read at least two hours a day of books or magazines that are full of helpful ideas that will enhance the Quality of your Life. Leave the mental candy to those who are happy to remain where they are. Distractions are not for you.
So never stop wondering!
Always take The Red Pill ()
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Race Toward Your Fears Instead of Running From Them
The following is adapted from Episode 036 of The Goal Wizard Show
Where do fears come from?
It is said we are born with only two fears, the fear of falling and of loud noises. Somehow along the way in my own life, I conditioned myself to have a lot more fears, particularly of people disapproving of me and of making mistakes so I never took chances. I also had the fear of looking good-I didn't want people to make fun of me so I deliberately dressed and groomed myself poorly-and people made fun of me anyway.
Later on, after High School and some Community College, I settled for having laboring jobs, as I believed I wasn't capable of anything else. I was also conditioned to believe that drinking large quantities of alcohol was the way to handle Life's stressors.
So to-day, a little bit at a time, I race toward my fears. I now have this blog and my radio show and my fears are diminishing over time. But I don't take reckless or foolish risks, and neither should you. Will I succeed every time? No, and I embrace possible failure as a learning experience so I can do better next time.
So live your own truth to-day, not somebody else's. Learn from my example and save yourself years of hard work and heartache. Face your fears and grow stronger for having done so.
Always take the Red Pill ()
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Where do fears come from?
It is said we are born with only two fears, the fear of falling and of loud noises. Somehow along the way in my own life, I conditioned myself to have a lot more fears, particularly of people disapproving of me and of making mistakes so I never took chances. I also had the fear of looking good-I didn't want people to make fun of me so I deliberately dressed and groomed myself poorly-and people made fun of me anyway.
Later on, after High School and some Community College, I settled for having laboring jobs, as I believed I wasn't capable of anything else. I was also conditioned to believe that drinking large quantities of alcohol was the way to handle Life's stressors.
So to-day, a little bit at a time, I race toward my fears. I now have this blog and my radio show and my fears are diminishing over time. But I don't take reckless or foolish risks, and neither should you. Will I succeed every time? No, and I embrace possible failure as a learning experience so I can do better next time.
So live your own truth to-day, not somebody else's. Learn from my example and save yourself years of hard work and heartache. Face your fears and grow stronger for having done so.
Always take the Red Pill ()
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