Monday, May 28, 2012

My Buddhist Birthday

I know I said in my last broadcast on Blog Talk Radio The Goal Wizard Show Episode 024 I would be writing about my last health crisis, but I've decided instead to write about a Significant Event that happened on this day in 1984.

I took vows as a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist and received my first Gohonzon. At the time, the lay organization was Nichiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai of America, otherwise known as NSA. 

I first started chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo at work. At the time, I was working at a plant nursery, so as I drove tractor around I would chant. Now, when I was first introduced to The Practice, I thought it was silly, chanting to a piece of paper with words I couldn't read. But I was told give it a try so I did. Then mystical experiences happened I couldn't rationally explain. Doors opened for me and people appeared at the right time. So I was convinced, sign me up!

So I received what is called Gojukai at Myoshin-ji Temple in Pinole, CA on Memorial Day weekend. It was on Memorial Day itself, a Monday.

I wish I could say that I've practiced every day since then but I can't. There have been ups and downs, periods of turmoil, homelessness, times where I failed as a Buddhist and generated boatloads of negative Karma. And I'm in a better space to-day and I know my best days are ahead of me.

O, and for my show to-morrow, I'm going to review the 2006 video "The Secret" and discuss the impact Law of Attraction and chanting and believing in the power of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and the Gohonzon has had on my life. Tune in.

Anyway, enjoy your day!
