Sunday, October 31, 2010

If You Can Think It, Ink It!

I advocate writing your Goals on paper and using an ink pen. Some people will go the high-tech route and use Goal Setting software, but I believe physically writing your Goal is better.

Why? Because something magical happens when you place pen to paper. Your brain, as it transmits through its neurochenical  processes, moving your hand to go onto paper reinforces your conscious and subconscious minds to bring to physical reality that which you commit to paper.

And do do this daily.

Next: Let your mind run free.   

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Get Started

Hello, and welcome to the Next Step in my ReEvolution. I used to have the blog ReEvolutionary Recovery, and I realized that I have to "re-invent" myself so to speak, so now I'm adopting a new persona as "The Goal Wizard".

It is going to be about...well, GOALS! And why they are vital for your success. This is also my way to form a "master mind" group so I can proclaim my intentions to the World at-large and be accountable for what I do...or fail to do.

I acknowledge before I begin that I stand on the shoulders of the giants who proceeded me, and on whose pioneering work I base my own efforts, and these include Brian Tracy and Jim Rohn.

So to begin, let me stress the importance of CLARITY. If you don't really know what you want, or if you're vague and fuzzy about it, then you will get vague and fuzzy results.


Vague & fuzzy: I want to make more money.

Goal with clarity: I intend to earn $25,000.00 in the next 14 months through my work as a success consultant by Saturday, December 31, 2011 at 11:59 p.m.

See the difference?

Next time I'll speak to why the physical act of writing your Goals on paper is vital.