Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012: Choose Freedom


No, this is not going to be a political post. Recently, I shared my history in the radical revolutionary left. I've changed quite a bit since then. So last week I filled out my absentee ballot and mailed it in. I made my choices, now it's done.

So now I'm not going to watch Election Night coverage on T-V or YouTube. I'm not saying you shouldn't be an intelligent, engaged citizen that makes informed choices about the direction the country needs to go in. I'm just not going to watch all those politicians, pundits and news anchors weigh in with their "analysis". I had to ask myself, "will watching Election Night returns really enhance the quality of my Life and help me become more informed?"

The answer: NO.

So choose freedom over negativity. Free yourself from the media chatter and make your Life a masterpiece.

I'm going to spend the evening doing my evening prayers and joining in on a group coaching call to learn ways I can become a more effective person. I do NOT need to flood my mind with commentary that really is useless.

Tomorrow morning will come and Life will go on. Work has to be done and decisions need to be made. Make them the Best.

Always take The Red Pill

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